Pagina's op IkLeerBIM

donderdag 22 oktober 2020

Update IkLeerBIM Dynamo Package

The IkLeerBIM Dynamo package has just been updated.

more methods, more arguments,
ready for Revit 2021,
and what about sandbox and other software.

A few things have improved or changed:
  • Some Python 'build in functions' did not show up as a method. This error is fixed.
  • The Revit API 2021 has deprecated the displayUnitType in Revit 2021. So based on the Revit version the script uses displayUnitType or ForgeTypeId.
  • The LookUp node and MethodLookUp node should also work in Dynamo Sandbox or other software. So the UnwrapElement and the loading of some libraries are made conditional.
  • The MethodLookUp node now also can deal with 'overloads'. Cases were more than 1 argument series for a method is possible in the API.
  • The Example.dyn file in the Extra directory is also updated to the new functionality.

Thanks Laurin Ernst, for the feedback!

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